The X! search engine project

X! Search Engine Development


This page lists updates that have been made available for the Parallel project. To get the updated files, click on the link provided in each update section.



catfiledivide.c and candidates.c have been edited to accept merged spectra files that have a white-space character to seperate the individual spectra. These edits were done to hopefully make it easier for those working with differing merged file formats.


This update takes care of some memory issues that could arise with large amounts of data--large files of aquired spectra and large fasta protein database.


This update takes care of problems in candidates and dbasebuild that could arise due to differing database header formats. Memory issues that could arise with dbasebuild have been addressed. There is also new documentation.


This update corrects a bug in xmlcat that caused a problem when paralleloutput.xml was run as input (input, spectrum path) to the latest versions of X!Tandem. The paralleloutput.xml file produced by xmlcat can now be run with the latest versions of X!Tandem.
To compile:
gcc xmlcat.c -o xmlcat
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